Descarga la versión 1.8.0 HD U H6 de OptiFine compatible con Minecraft 1.8.0.
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OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_H6
- fixed dynamic lights: blaze rod, blaze powder, glowstone dust, prismarine crystals, magma cream, spectator mode, tnt, creeper
- fixed unicode font rendering with HD resource packs
- added shaders option dynamicHandLight - can be used to disable the dynamic hand light if the shader implements its own hand light
- optimized chunk updates
- added Dynamic Lights (off, fast, fancy)
- fixed barrier particles performance
- fixed world border to use program gbuffers_textured_lit
- fixed clouds to use program gbuffers_clouds
- replaced shader uniforms entityHurt and entityFlash with entityColor (rgba)
- fixed enchanted armor to use program gbuffers_armor_glint
- added shader uniforms entityId and tileEntityId
- updated shaders documentation
- added shader suppot for more texture formats (signed normalized, integer, unsigned integer)
- fixed shader uniform "entityHurt" to not affect other entities
- added folder selection in installer
- fixed "#include" for vertex shaders
- added option "Details -> Dynamic FOV" - enables or disables the FOV change when flying or sprinting
- skip classloader injection when loaded in a Forge server
- added "offsetBold" in font properties (assets/minecraft/textures/font/, default is 1.0 for 16x and 0.5 for 32x and above
- updated CTM for rotated pillars (wood, quartz) to allow properties to select rotated variants
- fixed rotated logs with Fancy CTM
- added build number
- fixed loading of world resource packs with Forge
- fixed connected textures matching rules
- fixed Natural Textures for snow layer sides
- optimized memory allocation
- fixed memory usage with AF and AA
- updated Forge compatibility
- compatible with Forge #1577
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_H5
- removed all Mojang content from final JAR
- added support for class patches
- compatible with Forge #1577
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_H4
- added support for preview versions
- fixed glass panes and stained glass panes orientation
- fixed Trees Smart when running with Forge
- fixed entity updates - MoCreature insects
- compatible with Forge #1744
- fixed Furniture mod crash with Shaders
- added SE and CN translations
- removed shaders option Cloud Shadows, not working and disabled in 1.8
- fixed dark fog/clouds when around water or in shadows
- fixed custom bow textures (bow_standby)
- added option Trees Smart - renders fancy leaves with face culling
- added face culling for leaf models, significant FPS increase for fast leaves
- fix for Thaumcraft models when changing Shaders in game
- added suport for shader uniform shadowcolor2 and shadowcolor3
- compatible with Forge #1577
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_H2
- added option "", saves active shaders in "shaderpacks/debug"
- fixed Forge custom armor rendering
- fixed shader initialization in nether/end
- fixed Forge blocks layer reordering (BetterFoliage grass and BuildCraft pipes)
- added shader profiles
- added resources - /assets/minecraft/optifine/lang/en_US.lang
- added shader resources
- fixed shader shadow flickering (like it was in G6), performance may suffer a bit
- fixed Random Mobs in multiplayer worlds
- added support for shader variables
- added configurable shaders options screen
- fixed scaling of small textures when mipmaps are off
- fixed parsing of block colormaps with block variants
- fixed leash rendering with shaders to use program basic
- fixed logo "mojang.png" to be loaded from resource packs
- fixed parsing of invalid block states - for custom colors and connected textures
- fixed custom redstone colors depending on other custom colors
- right click on a shader option resets it to default
- added parsing of predefined shader const options (bool, float and int)
- fixed entity shadows with Forge (multi-pass entity rendering)
- fixed double plants to use same custom color for upper and lower part
- fixed hand held translucent items with shaders
- added shaders per world dimension - "/shaders/world-1" for nether
- the dimension shaders are scanned for shader options
- removed chat message when loading shaders
- updated shader profiles to allow program deactivation
- added support for "#include" in shaders
- fixed Forge custom models not visible in GUI
- fixed black screen with shaders when starting in the nether / end
- added hotkey F3+R to reload current shaders (ninja update)
- compatible with Forge #1577
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_G9
- fixed grid colormaps
- fixed compass and clock to work when animations are off
- fixed animated textures with AF
- fixed useGlint
- added shader options
- the options are parsed from the shader files, searching for "#define", "#ifdef" and "#ifndef"
- commented defines are with default state OFF
- ambiguous options (both ON and OFF state found) are disabled and can not be changed
- option names are global for all shader files in a shader pack
- one option can be present in several shader files and it will be switched simultaneously in all of them
- only ON/OFF options are supported for now, variables may be added later with range syntax
- comments on the same line after the "#define" are shown as tooltips
- added support for "":
- extended "mcpatcher/", added support for "clouds=off"
- the shader option comments are split by sentences in the tooltip
- fixed http pipelining to redirect to relative url
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_G7
- optimized shader shadows generation
- fixed custom items crash
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_G6
- added support for Custom Item Textures: custom items, custom enchantments and custom armor
- updated Connected Textures to parse block variants
- added custom colors: spawn eggs, dog collars, sheep, potion, map, text, boss, xporb
- added support for grid palettes
- added support for ligtmaps for custom mod dimensions
- fixed shader shadow flickering and incorrect shadow rendering (minimal FPS drop is possible for shader packs with shadows)
- added blend method overlay for custom sky
- fixed overlapping transitions for custom sky
- many other bugfixes
- compatible with Forge #1563
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_F8
- integrated support for shaders, based on the ShadersMod by Karyonix
- the shader rendering features are fully disabled when no shader is active, no FPS penalty
- the shaders are not compatible with classic Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering and Fast Render
- added post-processing antialasing shader, based on modified FXAA
- fixed handheld item rendering artifacts when classic antialiasing is enabled
- added FXAA 4x
- fixed connected textures to check for server resource pack
- fixed rendering of custom unicode fonts
- unicode character widths are reloaded with the resource pack
- optimized remote resource loading with http pipelining
- fixed compass and clock animations when AA/AF is enabled
- compatible with Forge #1563
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_D5
- enabled Forge loading screen
- compatible with Forge #1486
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_D4
- updated Forge compatibility
- compatible with Forge #1486
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_D3
- merged features from 1.8.3_HD_U_B2
- updated Natural Textures to 1.8
- added notification for 32-bit Java running on 64-bit OS
- added option Vignette: Fast = FPS + 10%
- extended option Fast Render with new optimizations: ON = FPS + 10%
- optimized AA/AF rendering
- fixed OpenGL errors with AA/AF enabled
- fixed border of animated textures with AA/AF enabled
- fixed window not resizable with AA enabled
- fixed mipmap handling, especially for HD resource packs
- enabled option Smooth FPS
- added option Show FPS - displays compact rendering information
- removed obsolete options Load Far and Preloaded Chunks
- updated Connected Textures - added parsing of block states (stone:variant=granite)
- fixed Animated Textures to load textures only when enabled
- fixed Lagometer and Vignette not working with forge
- compatible with Forge #1371
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_D2
- fixed block lag on dual-core CPUs
- compatible with Forge #1309
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_D1
- updated Forge compatibility
- compatible with Forge #1309
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_C7
- fixed black outlines on transparent objects when AA/AF is active
- compatible with Forge #1281
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_C6
- optimized performance
- reduced lag spikes
- fixed flickering leaf textures
- fixed animals freezing in LAN world
- compatible with Forge #1281
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_C2
- added Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing
- fixed connected sugarcane, glass panes, rails,
- fixed dripping water/lava
- updated Forge compatibility
- compatible with Forge #1281
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_B6
- fixed cloud flickering
- fixed hand rendering above clouds
- added option Firework Particles
- fixed Forge entity rendering
- installer creates inherited profile so realms libraries can be updated
- compatible with Forge #1281
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_B5
- updated Forge compatibility
- compatible with Forge #1281
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_B4
- various bugfixes
- AA and AF not active
- compatible with FML #1016
OptiFine 1.8.0_HD_U_B2
- AA and AF not active
- removed option Chunk Loading
- compatible with FML #1016)