Descargar OptiFine 1.10.2 HD U D4
Descarga la versión 1.10.2 HD U D4 de OptiFine compatible con Minecraft 1.10.2.
- Versión1.10.2 HD U D4
- CompatibilidadMinecraft 1.10.2
- Fecha de lanzamiento24-11-2016
¿Cómo descargar OptiFine 1.10.2?
- Descarga OptiFine 1.10.2 desde la sección de descargas.
- Click en el botón «Descargar»
- Guarda el fichero en tu ordenador y ejecutalo para comenzar la instalación.
¿Cómo instalar OptiFine 1.10.2?
- Primero descargamos OptiFine 1.10.2 para Minecraft
- Hacemos doble click en el fichero descargado (.jar)
- Se abrirá un instalado donde haremos click en siguiente hasta finalizar la instalación.
- Una vez finalizado el asistente de instalación, ya tendremos instalado OptiFine 1.10.2.
- Abre el launcher o lanzador de Minecraft.
- Haz click en la pestaña Installations.
- Allí deberíamos ver la instalación de OptiFine 1.10.2, lo que nos indica que todo ha salido bien y Optifine está instalado y listo para jugar.
- Ahora, ¡inicia Minecraft y a disfrutar!
¿Que versión de Optifine necesito?
Esto va a depender de la versión de Minecraft instalada en tu equipo. Aunque aquí puedes descargar OptiFine 1.10.2 para Minecraft 1.10.2 es posible que requieras de otra versión para poder jugar. Para ver todas las versiones disponibles puedes ir a la sección de descargas donde disponemos de un listado histórico ordenado por versión y fecha.
Ejemplos de texturas
Registro de cambios para la versión 1.10.2 HD U D4
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_D4
- fixed invisible entities in multiplayer
- fixed crash with ExtraUtilities2 (broken EnderLilly model)
- compatible with Forge #2151
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_D3
- fixed end sky custom color
- added CEM animation operator "%" and function "fmod(x,y)"
- added option Advanced Tooltips - shows extended information for items and shader options (F3+H)
- extended the shaders "#include" parser to add "#line" directives with file and line numbers
- updated CTM overlays to work for transparent blocks
- added xporb animation duration (xporb.time in, value in ms)
- compatible with Forge #2125
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_D2
- fixed Forge spash screen crashing on Mac OS
- added custom item durability colors: assets/minecraft/mcpatcher/colormap/durability.png
- fixed "IllegalStateException: Splash thread", caused by "FileNotFoundException: mcpatcher/font/ascii.png"
- better error handling for "IllegalStateException: Already building!"
- optimized render distance Extreme (32 chunks)
- added CEM scale variables "sx", "sy" and "sz"
- compatible with Forge #2099
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_D1
- fixed custom sign text color
- fixed Forge compatibility (Extra Utilities 2 crash)
- extended CEM to load textures from vanilla folders
- added system property "", when "true" all mob models are rendered as moving
- added custom model animations
- added Custom Entity Models (CEM)
- fixed rendering of invalid models (null quad facing)
- custom models for entities (mobs, boats, minecarts, ...) and tile entities (chests, signs, ...)
- fixed detection of maximum texture size for modern GPUs
- fixed entity rendering when standing still
- fixed panorama missing texture when changing resource pack
- fixed CTM block matching (stained glass "light_blue")
- added shader options for back-face rendering per layer
- compatible with Forge #2099
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_C3
- fixed grass and flowers bounding box to match render model
- fixed flickering CTM overlays for rotated models
- fixed custom items handheld rendering
- fixed CTM overlays to work only for full face quads
- fixed Custom Items crash when referencing "assets/minecraft/textures/items"
- fixed face culling for custom pane models
- enabled shader variable "ambientOcclusionLevel"
- fixed Better Snow with shaders and waving grass
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed Fast Render default to OFF
- added custom panoramas
- added CTM method overlay (block transitions)
- fixed CTM horizontal and vertical for top and bottom faces
- added CTM method "ctm_compact" - uses 5 textures instead of 47
- compatible with Forge #2073
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_C2
- fixed flowing lava texture
- fixed texture atlas to correctly grow up to the maximum texture size
- added shader properties "sun=true|false" and "moon=true|false"
- fixed Danymic Lights for entities falling outside of the world (y < 0)
- fixed connected glass pane to only remove up/down segment texture when neighbour has a segment at this side
- fixed CIT damage as percentage
- compatible with Forge #2002
OptiFine 1.10.2_HD_U_C1
- added check for 3D Anaglyph + Shaders
- added support for shader formats R3_G3_B2, RGB5_A1, RGB10_A2, R11F_G11F_B10F
- updated to Minecraft 1.10.2
- compatible with Forge #2002
OptiFine 1.10_HD_U_B7
- fixed water rendering with top half slabs
- changed option "Fullscreen Mode" to slider
- fixed fullscreen mode to show all available resolutions
- fixed custom armor to use base texture when layers are not defined
OptiFine 1.10_HD_U_B6
- fixed PureBDCraft saplings in GUI, removed hack for plants, resource packs should use "symmetry=all" for flowers
- fixed water block color from below
- fixed chunk loading race condition
- fixed exp orbs flashing
- fixed connected textures for glass panes to affect only sides (keep top and bottom textures)
- fixed VSync to be loaded correctly
- ported OptiFine B6 for 1.9.4 to 1.10