Descarga la versión 1.9.2 HD U D8 de OptiFine compatible con Minecraft 1.9.2.
OptiFine 1.9.2_HD_U_D8
- fixed crash when Forge has mod dependency errors and skips the TextureMap loading (Forge #2273+)
- added shaders shadow optimization "shadowDistanceRenderMul" (#489)
- fixed shaders loading "" (#569)
- added shaders uniforms "nightVision", "blindness" and "screenBrightness"
- added shaders property "vignette"
- fixed enchanted items in hotbar when running with Forge and vignette is disabled (#487)
- added shader macro MC_VERSION
- fixed shaders off hand rendering when main hand has echanted item (#481)
OptiFine 1.9.2_HD_U_D7
- updated shaders: added gbuffers uniforms gaux1 to gaux4, only used as custom textures
- fixed Forge RenderHandEvent to work with shaders
- updated shaders: fixed depth of translucent handheld objects
- fixed CIT for elytra on armor stand
- updated shaders: added support for custom textures
- updated CustomItems: NBT integer as hex color, list size as "count", property "hand=any|main|off"
- updated CustomColors to reload banner textures
- updated GUI Scale: right click = previous value, Shift + click = reset
- fixed FontRender.charWidth causing crash with Forge #2223
- updated shader options: added non-numerical values "#define SHADOW_MODE HARD // [HARD SOFT REAL]"
- updated shader options: added user friendly values from resources
- updated shader options: right click = previous value, Shift + click = reset
- added F3+L to force loading of all visible chunks
- added shader macros for OpenGL extensions
- added shader macros for OS, OpenGL version, GLSL version, GPU vendor and GPU renderer
- added shader uniform "worldDay"
- fixed shader uniform "worldTime" overflow for very old worlds
- extended GUI Scale to support 4K displays
- optimized resource loading
- optimized GUI lists to render only visible slots (resource pack list)
- fixed shaders to save options on ESC
- added support for "palette.format" from ""
- added fix for MC-98707
- fixed crash with Railcraft and AA/AF enabled
- fixed NPE in shaders when renderViewEntity is NULL
- fixed transparent hand with shaders when the world border is visible
- fixed CEM animation operator "%"
- fixed CEM for ender crystal
- added Custom Sky option "weather=clear|rain|thunder"
- fixed cloud color transitions
- fixed Custom Sky not visible for Render Distance below 8 chunks
- added support for animated normal and specular textures
- added shaders uniforms "frameCounter" and "frameTime"
- added shaders option to skip framebuffer texture clear
- fixed fog affecting the debug renderer
- fixed CEM models glowing with shaders (spider, enderman, dragon)
- fixed "nbsp" character to render as space
- fixed shaders bug: centerDepthSmooth not working when gaux4 is active
- fixed CEM custom texture overriding TileEntity destroy overlay
- fixed CEM model scale
- fixed minecart CEM model
- fixed render distance Extreme in The End
- reorganized reflection support
- fixed ambient sounds not playing (vanilla bug MC-91803)
- added negative biome check ("biomes=!Biome1 Biome2 ..." - all biomes except the given ones)
- fixed shaders using upPosition from previous frame
- added block ID mapping for shaders
- updated documentation
- updated Custom Items to recognize enchantment names
- fixed CEM for ender dragon and enderman
- updated shaders to use "gbuffers_armor_glint" for enchanted handheld and dropped items
- fixed option Screenshot Size to keep the relative size of toolbar and menus
- fixed crash when loading tile entities (flower pot)
- fixed option Screenshot Size to keep the relative size of toolbar and menus
- fixed custom potion textures
- fixed custom potion colors
- added option Screenshot Size (1x to 4x)
- fixed invisible entities in multiplayer
- fixed crash with ExtraUtilities2 (broken EnderLilly model)
- fixed end sky custom color
- added CEM animation operator "%" and function "fmod(x,y)"
- added option Advanced Tooltips - shows extended information for items and shader options (F3+H)
- extended the shaders "#include" parser to add "#line" directives with file and line numbers
- updated CTM overlays to work for transparent blocks
- added xporb animation duration (xporb.time in, value in ms)
- fixed Forge spash screen crashing on Mac OS
- added custom item durability colors: assets/minecraft/mcpatcher/colormap/durability.png
- fixed "IllegalStateException: Splash thread", caused by "FileNotFoundException: mcpatcher/font/ascii.png"
- better error handling for "IllegalStateException: Already building!"
- optimized render distance Extreme (32 chunks)
- added CEM scale variables "sx", "sy" and "sz"
- fixed custom sign text color
- fixed Forge compatibility (Extra Utilities 2 crash)
- extended CEM to load textures from vanilla folders
- added system property "", when "true" all mob models are rendered as moving
- added custom model animations
- added Custom Entity Models (CEM)
- fixed rendering of invalid models (null quad facing)
- custom models for entities (mobs, boats, minecarts, ...) and tile entities (chests, signs, ...)
- fixed detection of maximum texture size for modern GPUs
- fixed entity rendering when standing still
- fixed panorama missing texture when changing resource pack
- fixed CTM block matching (stained glass "light_blue")
- added shader options for back-face rendering per layer
- fixed grass and flowers bounding box to match render model
- fixed flickering CTM overlays for rotated models
- fixed custom items handheld rendering
- fixed CTM overlays to work only for full face quads
- fixed Custom Items crash when referencing "assets/minecraft/textures/items"
- fixed face culling for custom pane models
- enabled shader variable "ambientOcclusionLevel"
- fixed Better Snow with shaders and waving grass
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed Fast Render default to OFF
- added custom panoramas
- added CTM method overlay (block transitions)
- fixed CTM horizontal and vertical for top and bottom faces
- added CTM method "ctm_compact" - uses 5 textures instead of 47
- fixed flowing lava texture
- fixed texture atlas to correctly grow up to the maximum texture size
- added shader properties "sun=true|false" and "moon=true|false"
- fixed Danymic Lights for entities falling outside of the world (y < 0)
- fixed connected glass pane to only remove up/down segment texture when neighbour has a segment at this side
- fixed CIT damage as percentage
- added check for 3D Anaglyph + Shaders
- added support for shader formats R3_G3_B2, RGB5_A1, RGB10_A2, R11F_G11F_B10F
- fixed water rendering with top half slabs
- changed option "Fullscreen Mode" to slider
- fixed fullscreen mode to show all available resolutions
- fixed custom armor to use base texture when layers are not defined
- fixed PureBDCraft saplings in GUI, removed hack for plants, resource packs should use "symmetry=all" for flowers
- fixed water block color from below
- fixed chunk loading race condition
- fixed connected textures for glass panes to affect only sides (keep top and bottom textures)
- fixed VSync to be loaded correctly
- fixed custom animations to check for invalid coordinates
- fixed rendering of water next to slabs, farmland, grass path, beacon and slime blocks
- fixed natural textures for grass_path_side
- fixed side of connected glass panes
- added shader option "underwaterOverlay"
- fixed F3+R to reload shader properties
- fixed custom sheep colors
- fixed dynamic lights: blaze rod, blaze powder, glowstone dust, prismarine crystals, magma cream, spectator mode, tnt, creeper
- fixed unicode font rendering with HD resource packs
- added shaders option dynamicHandLight - can be used to disable the dynamic hand light if the shader implements its own hand light
- added option Details -> Alternate Blocks
- optimized chunk updates
- added Dynamic Lights (off, fast, fancy)
- fixed barrier particles performance
- fixed barrier block in off hand to show barrier particles
- fixed world border to use program gbuffers_textured_lit
- fixed clouds to use program gbuffers_clouds
- replaced shader uniforms entityHurt and entityFlash with entityColor (rgba)
- fixed enchanted armor to use program gbuffers_armor_glint
- added shader uniforms entityId and tileEntityId
- removed Forge UV hack, fixed 3D item sides
- updated shaders documentation
- added shader suppot for more texture formats (signed normalized, integer, unsigned integer)
- fixed shader uniform "entityHurt" to not affect other entities
OptiFine 1.9.2_HD_U_B3
- added folder selection in installer
- fixed "#include" for vertex shaders
- added custom textures for elytra, use "type=elytra" in the CIT properties
- added option "Details -> Dynamic FOV" - enables or disables the FOV change when flying or sprinting
- skip classloader injection when loaded in a Forge server
- added "offsetBold" in font properties (assets/minecraft/textures/font/, default is 1.0 for 16x and 0.5 for 32x and above
- updated CTM for rotated pillars (wood, quartz) to allow properties to select rotated variants
- fixed rotated logs with Fancy CTM
OptiFine 1.9.2_HD_U_B2
- fixed block shading with Forge
- added build number
- fixed loading of world resource packs with Forge
- fixed connected textures for rotated logs
- added option "shadowTranslucent=true|false" to "" - disables translucent blocks in shadow pass
- optimized memory allocation
- updated Forge compatibility, not backwards compatible
- fixed Natural Textures for snow layer sides
- added Better Grass for grass paths, snowy podzol and snowy mycelium
- added Better Grass configuration (per block, textures)
- fixed ForgeHooksClient.onDrawBlockHighlight
- fixed off hand rendering with shaders
- added shader uniforms "heldItemId2" and "heldBlockLightValue2"
- added shader option Old Hand Light for backward compatibility with shaders packs supporting only main hand light
- added option "oldHandLight=true|false" in ""
OptiFine 1.9.2_HD_U_B1
- updated to Minecraft 1.9.2
OptiFine 1.9.0_HD_U_B1
- fixed memory usage with AF and AA
- fixed single-core chunk loading
- enabled simple spectral effect when Fast Render, Antialiasing or Shaders are active
- fixed chunk loading when changing dimensions
- removed all Mojang content from final JAR
- added support for class patches
- updated to Minecraft 1.9
- compatible with Forge #1797