Descarga la versión 1.14.3 HD U F2 de OptiFine compatible con Minecraft 1.14.3.
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OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F2
- fixed crash in CIT (#2624)
- added support for raw shader textures (#2631)
- fixed geometry shaders on Intel/AMD (#2359)
- updated Forge patches
- fixed leashed horse GUI with shaders (#2545)
- internally compatible with Forge 27.0.51 (can't be installed yet)
OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F1
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- restored void rendering, needed by shaders sky (#2522)
- fixed launchwrapper to allow patching of "com.mojang.blaze3d"
- updated to 1.14.3
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.14.2_HD_U_F1_pre15
- fixed compatibility with Java 9+
- catch exceptions while generating a crash report
- fixed crash when reloading resources (missing texture sprite)
- fixed mipmap levels and mipmap type
- fixed block aliases without shader pack
- fixed crash in ItemRenderer
- fixed flickering chests (#2467)
- fixed sign edit screen in multiplayer (#2422, #2091)
- fixed crash in sprite resize (#2481)
- fixed crash when reloading resources
- fixed maximum mipmap level detection
- fixed villager CEM
- fixed tile entity names (#2472)
- fixed custom GUI names
- fixed villager professions
- fixed load visible chunks
- fixed particle collision (#2408)
- added Random Entities check for wolf/cat collar colors (#2447)
- fixed Emissive Textures on blocks/items (#2461)
- fixed Custom Fonts crash (#2443)
- fixed CTM compact to use vanilla UV corrections (#2460)
- fixed Mipmap Levels to reload resources
- fixed titles of settings screens
- fixed CTM overlay crash (#2436)
- fixed crossbow CIT models (#2404)
- fixed CTM compact for glass panes (#2423)
- added custom loading screen colors
- fixed double click sound on Video Settings
- disabled void rendering when the player is above Y=64
- fixed sky fog
- fixed shader option sliders
- added compatibility block mapping for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- updated to 1.14.2
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.14_HD_U_F1_pre6
- not all features working, not all optimizations added, may crash
- fixed crash with animated paintings (#2393)
- fixed mooshroom, parrot on shoulder, smooth world, save/load VBOS
- fixed CIT armor
- fixed lagometer and profiler
- fixed cape and player items position
- fixed shaders camera position to include eye height (#2390)
- fixed parsing of shaders macro: #if 0
- fixed font memory allocation
- fixed player shadow in first-person view
- fixed shaders entity shadows and isEyeInWater
- fixed Max Framerate: VSync
- fixed configurable animations
- fixed ghost dynamic lights from dead mobs
- fixed slab model rendering
- optimized memory allocation
- enabled server lagometer
- fixed default CTM to use 1.14 textures
- fixed texture atlas sprite loading
- fixed double click sound in options
- fixed main menu panorama
- fixed mojang logo
- fixed option tooltips
- fixed option GUI Scale
- fixed crash in shaders options
- updated to 1.14
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.13.2_HD_U_E8
- fixed shader programs above composite9 and deferred9 (#2251)
- fixed translucent block ordering with shadowmap (#2287)
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures (#2286)
- fixed structure void rendering (#847)
- internally compatible with Forge 25.0.90 (can't be installed yet)
OptiFine 1.13.2_HD_U_E7
- added custom uniform parameters: temperature, rainfall, biome_category, biome_precipitation
- fixed F3 key listeners
- fixed cape elytra when changing dimensions (#2203)
OptiFine 1.13.2_HD_U_E6
- added optifine cape customization (server login + redirect to website)
- fixed support for optifine cape elytra
- fixed option Fire Animated (#2124)
- extended shaders custom textures with normal/specular variants (#2120)
- fixed shaders custom lightmap texture "minecraft:dynamic/lightmap_1"
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures when mipmaps are off
OptiFine 1.13.2_HD_U_E5
- fixed shaders list sorting
- extended maximum chat width to 1176px (#1959)
- added options Chat Background and Chat Shadow (#1861, #1379)
- fixed Better Grass for podzol (#2049)
- fixed CEM for illusioner and armor stand (#2046, #2057, #2066)
- fixed mouse wheel scrolling in shaders list (#2078)
- fixed particles sliding on the ground (#2077)
- fixed swamp color blending (#2076)
- fixed particle tick lag (#2022)
- fixed chunk loading lag spikes (blockRefCount, heightmap)
- optimized chunk loading (2x faster)
- renamed mooshroom back mushroom texture to "textures/entity/cow/red_mushroom.png"
- added CEM model for illusioner, updated models: evoker, evoker_fangs, vindicator
- fixed CTM method repeat for bottom faces (#1845)
- fixed shader dimensions on world change (#1844)
- fixed lag spike on autosave
- fixed autosave interval (#1995)
- fixed custom lightmap to recognize conduit power as night vision (#1999)
- fixed CEM for mule and donkey (#2006)
- added custom clear color for shader buffers
- extended Better Snow with 1.13 blocks (#2015)
- fixed black borders with AF and trilinear mipmaps (#2016)
- fixed flickering water chunks with AF (#1981)
- fixed errors on fullscreen Alt+Tab
- removed shaders programs deferred/composite_last, added deferred/composite_pre
- reorganized shaders buffer flipping
- fixed shaders deferred pass breaking water
- fixed world memory leak
- fixed texture resizing with mipmaps
- fixed sun/moon on render distance 2 (#1975)
- fixed black spot between vertical walls (#1872)
OptiFine 1.13.2_HD_U_E4
- updated natural textures to 1.13
- fixed CIT vanilla model location parsing
- added CEM models for horse, dolphin and drowned
OptiFine 1.13.1_HD_U_E3
- fixed shaders handheld item light value
- added stack trace and rate limit for OpenGL errors
- fixed shaders option sliders
- fixed CEM for block skull
- fixed shaders crash in noise texture upload
- fixed screenshot size with shaders
- fixed custom items non-full models
- fixed custom screenshot size
- fixed custom items model transforms (#1787)
- fixed shaders resource files to be lowercase (us_en.lang)
- fixed shaders block entity mapping
- fixed stem colors, double plant colors
- removed armor colors configuration
- fixed particle.water and spawn egg colors (#1893)
- added shaders entity mapping
- added support for elytra matching the optifine cape
- fixed CTM not initializing on startup (#1851)
- fixed shaders program for breaking animation
- merged FontRenderer (char width, offset bold, custom colors, nbsp)
- moved all configurations from folder "mcpatcher" to folder "optifine" (#1557)
- removed numeric IDs for blocks, items, enchantments and metadata
- shaders block/item mapping is now required for block/item ids
- added shaders item mapping
- added macro processing for shaders properties
- optimized sign and item frame rendering
- fixed world memory leak (#1835)
- removed option Clear Water
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed properties files parsing to ignore trailing spaces
- fixed biome parsing
- fixed zoom key conflict
- fixed crash with custom texture animations
- optimized chunk loading
- fixed default connected textures
- replaced smooth biomes with biome blend radius
- fixed custom animations
- fixed shaders normal/specular animations
- fixed Custom Items
- fixed missing chunks when loading the world
- merged MCPBot mappings
- fixed black horizon on disable shaders
- fixed mipmap type and blending
- fixed load visible chunks (F3+L)
- fixed shaders uniform isEyeInWater for waterlogged blocks
- fixed parsing of shader texture metadata
- fixed shader options sliders
- fixed button Done in GuiMessage
- fixed crash with Java 9+
- removed check for lowercase resource locations
- added native memory info in debug screen
- fixed out of memory crash with shaders
- fixed compatibility with legacy launcher (#1635)
- fixed double scanning default resource pack
- fixed startup logo rescaling
- fixed parsing of full CTM paths (#1700)
- fixed Better Grass for grass path block (#1684)
- fixed CTM log orientation (#1685)
- fixed MultiMC resource loading (#1705)
- fixed leaves having checkerboard pattern with Smooth Biomes OFF
- fixed connected glass panes (#1661)
- fixed cloud height
- fixed crash with block slab using wrong block state (#1717)
- fixed Dynamic Lights to correctly reset on enable/disable (#1680)
- fixed water colormap
- fixed fluid animations with Smart Animations
- fixed rendering of players with non-latin usernames (#1637)
- fixed crash with TIS-3D Rift (#1677)
- fixed Video Settings to save on ESC
- fixed custom lightmap channels
- added Fullscreen Resolution
- fixed crash in Statistics
- fixed Fast Math accuracy
- added shader uniform "fogDensity"
- fixed fog options
- fixed FXAA flipping screen vertically
- updated to 1.13
OptiFine 1.12.2_HD_U_E2
- optimized memory allocation
- optimized chunks loading, about 2x faster now
- extended Show FPS and debug screen to show minimum FPS
- fixed shield and bow model variants (#1516)
- fixed distant higher chunks disappearing in multiplayer (#1522)
- fixed crash with Voxelmap and Smart Animations (#1524)
- fixed shaders to correctly restore custom gbuffers textures after deferred programs
- fixed shader uniforms entityId and blockEntityId in shadow program
- fixed handling of relative paths for ZIP shader packs
- optimized rendering of item models with many predicates (#1500)
- compatible with Forge #2729
OptiFine 1.12.2_HD_U_E1
- fixed armor slots with player on fire and AA/AF enabled (#1495)
- fixed fire in first person with Smart Animations (#1487)
- fixed experience bar transparency (#1471)
- fixed emissive texture loading
- fixed crash in chunk visibility check (#1413)
- fixed entities on fire with AA/AF/SmartAnimations (#1415)
- fixed shaders custom textures in gbuffers_water (#1425)
- increased composite and deferred shader programs to 16
- added interpolate and frame skip to Custom Animations
- fixed sign text render distance to depend on screen resolution and FOV
- added system property "log.detail=" for extended logging
- reduced logging when loading sprites (custom loader, sprite dependency)
- added CTM tile name
- added option Smart Animations
- added dynamic lights for mods
- fixed disabled shader programs in dimension folder
- fixed OpenGL error when disabling Fast Render
- reorganized shader programs
- reorganized source packages
- compatible with Forge #2712
OptiFine 1.12.2_HD_U_D3
- fixed sampler binding for programs "gbuffers_beaconbeam", "gbuffers_item" and "gbuffers_armor_glint"
- fixed shaders uniform "isEyeInWater" to work in 3rd person view
- compatible with Forge #2691
OptiFine 1.12.2_HD_U_D2
- fixed horse random textures (#1357)
- added CEM support for bed and parrot (#1117)
- fixed crash with Galacticraft (#1366)
- fixed shaders projection matrix when underwater (#1344, #827)
- added option Show OpenGL Errors
- added support for geometry shaders ".gsh" (#1355)
- extended CIT to check for alternative shield models (#1169)
- added shaders uniform blendFunc (#884)
- fixed End loading bug (#1326)
- removed width and height limits for CTM method "repeat"
- fixed shaders uniform "depthtex1" in program "gbuffers_water"
- compatible with Forge #2673
OptiFine 1.12.2_HD_U_D1
- extended new version message to include link to
- custom shader textures by location (resource pack, dynamic textures) (#1304)
- fixed compatibility with PortalGun mod
- fixed water fog density/color for Respiration > 3 (#1289)
- fixed chunk visibility culling for custom view entity (#1286)
- added shader profile tooltips
- fixed a very cool chunk loading bug (
- added shaders version check
- added sh