Descarga la versión 1.16.1 HD U G2 pre08 de OptiFine compatible con Minecraft 1.16.1.
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OptiFine 1.16.1_HD_U_G2_pre8
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed Render Regions
- fixed geometry shaders with AMD (#4250)
- optimized text rendering
- optimized chunk loading
- optimized chunk rendering
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed debug info chunk updates
- fixed soul fire and soul campfire animation option (#4328)
- fixed CTM for logs (#4320)
- fixed clouds with fabulous graphics (#4251)
- fixed crimson forest and warped forest particles (#4253)
- fixed fast render with fabulous graphics (#4289)
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#4274)
- fixed crash when killing parrot (#4214)
- added Entity Distance in performance options (#4206)
- fixed white hotbar with shaders and FXAA (#4201)
- updated to 1.16.1
- compatible with Forge 32.0.61
OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed shaders to render world border with program textured_lit (#3979)
- fixed shaders rendering of hurt mobs and flashing creepers (#3598)
- fixed CIT relative texture paths (#4046)
- fixed alpha for CUTOUT rendering (#4120)
- fixed custom player models
- optimized underwater particles
- fixed block selection with chunk borders visible (#4119)
- fixed lag spikes when breaking blocks near water (#3912)
- fixed emissive textures for rails and brewing stand (#4094)
- fixed CEM animations (#4093)
- fixed emissive crash with enchanted trident (#4092)
- fixed emissive textures (#3437)
- fixed shaders programs and extended attributes for block breaking animation (#3600)
- fixed shaders entity and block entity programs
- fixed shaders block selection, hitboxes and chunk borders (#3601, #3818)
- fixed shaders block breaking texture (#3880)
- fixed shaders option separateAO (#4047)
- fixed rescaling of shaders normal/specular textures (#3761)
- fixed void rendering with shaders (#3673)
- fixed shaders light shining in caves (#3593)
- fixed shaders rendering of invisible glowing entities (#3996)
- fixed cape stuttering when flying around (#3384)
- fixed player shadow with shaders in spectator mode (#4022)
- fixed CEM bed model (#4035)
- fixed Random Entities with CEM (#4025)
- fixed CEM animation parameters pos_y, pos_z (#4033)
- fixed CIT handheld items and armor (#3276, #3318)
- fixed CEM custom texture (#4010)
- added CEM donkey and mule chest models
- fixed CEM model textures
- added CEM for head_creeper, head_wither_skeleton and head_zombie
- fixed resetting CEM for heads when changing resource pack
- fixed CEM for banner, bed, chests, ender crystal, ghast, illagers, phantom, dragon
- fixed CEM for sheep, wolf, dolphin, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish, boat
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#3965)
- fixed rain rendering over blocks when picking items (#3956)
- fixed shaders rendering of banners, spider eyes and enchantment glint
- fixed shaders depthtex2 (#3646)
- fixed profiler smoothing
- fixed dark GUI items when running with Forge (#3830)
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.2.21
OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F6
- fixed flickering of min. FPS
- fixed debug profiler sections in 1.14.4 (MC-158870)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56
OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F5
- fixed crash when reloading textures (#3125)
- fixed invisible mobs around the player
- fixed shaders integer texture formats (#3109)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56
OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F4
- fixed crash with Java 9+ (#2964)
- fixed shaders to stop chunk updates on shader pack reload (#3001)
- added CEM for cat, fox, panda, phantom, pillager, ravager, turtle and giant (#1822)
- fixed Emissive Textures with Astral Sorcery (#1581)
- added loading screen bar outline color (#2558)
- fixed clock in quick bar not animated with Forge (#2889)
- added CEM for fish (cod, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish)
- fixed CEM for witch
- fixed CTM corners with innerSeams
- updated installer to set OptiFine profile logo
- added Random Entities check for moon phase, day time and weather (#2931)
- added Random Entities check for health (#2958)
- fixed Cape Editor screen to allow copy link to clipboard on error
- fixed Forge access transformers for inner classes
- fixed Forge access transformers removing final
- added Random Entities check for baby mobs (#2832)
- fixed Smart Animations for blocks in minecarts (#2731)
- fixed Forge access transformers (#2737)
- added shaders program "gbuffers_entities_glowing" (#2328)
- added compatibility with Forge ModLauncher (#2148)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56
OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F3
- fixed CEM handling of attached models (#2323)
- fixed slider options tooltips (#2718)
- added connected textures for resource pack "Programmer Art"
- fixed renderType for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- added shaders instancing for composite programs
- added shaders instancing as alternative to geometry shaders
- fixed shaders #include on first line
- internally compatible with Forge 28.0.23 (can't be installed yet)
OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F2
- updated to 1.14.4
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F2
- fixed crash in CIT (#2624)
- added support for raw shader textures (#2631)
- fixed geometry shaders on Intel/AMD (#2359)
- updated Forge patches
- fixed leashed horse GUI with shaders (#2545)
- internally compatible with Forge 27.0.51 (can't be installed yet)
OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F1
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- restored void rendering, needed by shaders sky (#2522)
- fixed launchwrapper to allow patching of "com.mojang.blaze3d"
- updated to 1.14.3
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.14.2_HD_U_F1_pre15
- fixed compatibility with Java 9+
- catch exceptions while generating a crash report
- fixed crash when reloading resources (missing texture sprite)
- fixed mipmap levels and mipmap type
- fixed block aliases without shader pack
- fixed crash in ItemRenderer
- fixed flickering chests (#2467)
- fixed sign edit screen in multiplayer (#2422, #2091)
- fixed crash in sprite resize (#2481)
- fixed crash when reloading resources
- fixed maximum mipmap level detection
- fixed villager CEM
- fixed tile entity names (#2472)
- fixed custom GUI names
- fixed villager professions
- fixed load visible chunks
- fixed particle collision (#2408)
- added Random Entities check for wolf/cat collar colors (#2447)
- fixed Emissive Textures on blocks/items (#2461)
- fixed Custom Fonts crash (#2443)
- fixed CTM compact to use vanilla UV corrections (#2460)
- fixed Mipmap Levels to reload resources
- fixed titles of settings screens
- fixed CTM overlay crash (#2436)
- fixed crossbow CIT models (#2404)
- fixed CTM compact for glass panes (#2423)
- added custom loading screen colors
- fixed double click sound on Video Settings
- disabled void rendering when the player is above Y=64
- fixed sky fog
- fixed shader option sliders
- added compatibility block mapping for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- updated to 1.14.2
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.14_HD_U_F1_pre6
- not all features working, not all optimizations added, may crash
- fixed crash with animated paintings (#2393)
- fixed mooshroom, parrot on shoulder, smooth world, save/load VBOS
- fixed CIT armor
- fixed lagometer and profiler
- fixed cape and player items position
- fixed shaders camera position to include eye height (#2390)
- fixed parsing of shaders macro: #if 0
- fixed font memory allocation
- fixed player shadow in first-person view
- fixed shaders entity shadows and isEyeInWater
- fixed Max Framerate: VSync
- fixed configurable animations
- fixed ghost dynamic lights from dead mobs
- fixed slab model rendering
- optimized memory allocation
- enabled server lagometer
- fixed default CTM to use 1.14 textures
- fixed texture atlas sprite loading
- fixed double click sound in options
- fixed main menu panorama
- fixed mojang logo
- fixed option tooltips
- fixed option GUI Scale
- fixed crash in shaders options
- updated to 1.14
- not compatible with Forge